This flagship event organised by Housing Europe and ECTP in the scope of the International Social Housing Festival was organised in Barcelona, 08.06.2023
The Affordable Housing Initiative (AHI) is part of the Commission’s Renovation Wave strategy for Europe, which aims to green buildings and reduce carbon emissions. The AHI includes piloting 100 renovation and construction districts with a smart neighbourhood approach to pave the way for other renovation projects across Europe.
But how should these districts be renovated?
What principles should the public, social and cooperative housing providers follow that would bring about the socially just energy transition?
A number of organisations across Europe have taken up this challenge of developing and demonstrating innovative approaches to achieving the renovation targets while engaging citizens and developing local communities, socially and economically.
The organisers invited the three EU Horizon2020 projects drOp, SUPERSHINE and ProLight. The projects have different perspectives of integrated renovation methodologies to transform social housing districts into inclusive smart neighbourhoods.
ProLight coordinator Momir Tabakovic, University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien, represented our project in Barcelona.
Here you can review the session.