The Greek demo site aims to design and implement energy efficiency solutions and smart net metering for residential buildings, donated by the Greek state to the vulnerable population in the City of Kozani. In this pilot case, the ProLight project will consist in renovating a social dwelling of people with lower income, which was selected on the basis of technical, economic and social criteria among those who expressed interest. The renovation will include adding insulation to the building’s shell and roof, replacing windows with energy-efficient ones, installing A/C, heat pump and photovoltaic system, as well as smart devices and sensors to measure and adjust consumption. The main goal of this project is to bring in motivation for public institutions to undergo a major refurbishment project for all these dwellings & for the envisaged city’s climate neutrality until 2030 as Kozani is one of the 100 mission cities. In parallel, the Energy Community (EC) of Kozani has installed a solar capacity of 7MWp to supply municipal buildings, while in direct coordination with the Municipality of Kozani, is considering acquiring further capacity, part of which may be “donated” to lower income households. The Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia, as the main demo coordinator, is responsible for the successful conduction of the demonstration actions.